Our Expertise

We are your part­ners and sup­port our clients’ jour­neys globally

We under­stand
our market

For more than 25 years, our exclusive global net­work has brought together the most out­standing exec­ut­ives and cor­por­a­tions. Our close rela­tion­ships with our clients enable us to recog­nise and under­stand your require­ments. We aim for an open, trusting co-oper­a­tion to bring clients and can­did­ates together successfully.

Our strengths

With our expertise, we identify the leaders for the effective devel­op­ment and long-term busi­ness suc­cess of our clients.


Pas­sionate about our pro­fes­sion and con­stantly striving to gen­erate sus­tained res­ults for our clients, we attach immense import­ance to dili­gence, dis­cre­tion and sin­cerity in the exe­cu­tion of our mandates.


Our col­lab­or­a­tion with you is not geared toward short-term solutions; we forge long-term part­ner­ships. Having main­tained client rela­tion­ships for in excess of 25 years, our close rela­tion­ships are based on trust and reli­ab­ility as both spar­ring partner and coach.


Our many years of expertise in cor­porate and human resources man­age­ment as well as exec­utive search and board appraisals allow us to help our clients reach their stra­tegic goals and attain a competitive edge.

Dr. Susanne Bixner-Mendel

„The open­ness to change, the will­ing­ness to ques­tion; the ability to inspire people and give them dir­ec­tion are crit­ical require­ments for exec­ut­ives in order to main­tain their competitive edge.“

Exec­utive Search

Exec­utive search and appraisals for super­visory bodies, board and senior man­age­ment positions.

Board and Man­age­ment Evaluation

Eval­u­ation of man­age­ment poten­tial and quality, on the basis of estab­lished man­age­ment dia­gnostics and industry benchmarking.

New Work (Innov­a­tion) and more Female (Leader­ship)

In cooper­a­tion with our partner TWISE, we also offer female (top) man­age­ment talent on a part-time basis. Fur­ther­more we advise our clients on how to estab­lish effective Co-Leader­ship models as a com­ple­ment to classic full-time placements.

Part­ners and Senior Advisors

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Industry sec­tors

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